
Dear my darling boys,

Last Sunday both of you turned twelve. Happy birthday my sweethearts😘😘 I wish you all the best in life, good health, and happiness always

Unlike last year, you didn’t really want to have big party this year. Just three of your best mates for a sleep over and movie night, and Grill’d for dinner, which was fine by me. I supposed our trip to Bali was part of your birthday present as well.

As your mother I find this year is a bit tough for both of you. Middle school is so much different from Primary school. There are lots of changes, in academic part and behavior. But I promise you, we will go through together, I will be always here to help, to listen, to love.

N, I’m proud of how consistent and responsible young boy you are. I know some mornings are so tough and cold to get up in the dark and swim lap by lap in the pool. But you know that you just have to do it. I think you are incredible. As a results silvers and bronzes for this year state championship, as you’ve targeted. Β You are also a very good traveler, you can read map and navigate better than me, you become my travel companion and always interested in places and airplanes! Β I hope in the future we still can go travel together. Β Keep it up your hard work both in sports and school but also don’t forget to have fun as well!

D, you are a picture of myself when I was young. You are definitely me. Headstrong and determined. That’s why perhaps we argue more than we should. But as your mother, I just want you not to make the same mistakes as I had done. Β But like they said, part of being a parent is to let go, to let you do what you think is right and watch (I really don’t like this part!), you will learn from your mistakes. Β I always amazed every time I got compliment from other parents about how very polite you are and good manner you have. They said, you are a very good communicator regardless you are still very young. Β Especially the elderly people, you win their heart. You are my Mister Congeniality πŸ˜€ Β You are also a very talented basketball player and surfer boy, you just have to believe in yourself that you can do it. And stop comparing yourself to your twin brother. Both of you are very special.

Well, I hope you enjoyed your little simple birthday celebration with your near and dear friends, sorry I didn’t get a chance to make you my own birthday cake as per our tradition. But I think the ice cream cake was pretty good!

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Happy 12th birthday my golden boys. Enjoy being 12, be happy, funny, and cheeky as always. Β  I love you both equally the same no matter what and I do hope as you grow up I always can be your friend and mother as well.

Love you both to the moon and back!

Your so not Tiger Mum πŸ’‹

35 responses to “twelve”

  1. Huaaa my fav boys ultah ke 12. Happy birthday gantengs!!!! Nanti jadi atlet renang dunia ya. 😊😊😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ma kasiiii Jo😘😘 Iya uda 12 aza nih berarti kl pergi2 uda di-charge as adult😜😜 *ibunyaperhitunganbanget*


  2. Happy belated birthday.. πŸ™‚


    1. Thank you Inly😘


  3. Happy birthday boys! They are such handsome young men! πŸ™‚


    1. Thank you Sas 😘 Btw blog ganti nama ya?

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Happy blessed birthday twins! Ganteng sekali dua-duanya mba Ria, haha..


    1. Ma kasiiiih Wien πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Ya ampun.., cowok-cowok cilik ganteng ini udah 12 tahun aja umurnya..πŸ˜‰ Met ultah buat si kembar.. Semoga sehat selalu..


    1. Ma kasi Em, iya ga kerasa uda 12 tahun aza, nanti loe juga gitu sama si Bear tau2 uda masuk tk aza πŸ™‚


      1. Hahaha..iya.., ini juga si Bear udah 6 bulan aja, perasaan baru kemarin melahirkan..πŸ˜‰


  6. Happy bday gantengs


    1. Terima kasih tante Puji πŸ™‚


  7. Lucuu foto disumpel bunga


    1. Iya idenya sendiri thu Non!


  8. Happy birthday boys! Can’t wait to see you on tv on Olympics swimming within some years from now πŸ˜€


    1. Ahahahaaaa I think it’s still bloody far away and not sure if it’s going to happen Lo, but Amen for that and thank you! πŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

  9. wahhh si kembar ultah, happy birthday you two !!


    1. Ma kasih tante Febi πŸ™‚


  10. happy birthday twins! πŸ™‚
    semoga selalu sehat dan ntar jadi atlet renang ya…


    1. Thanks Man and amen for the wish.


  11. Happy birthday ABG2nya mbak Ria… keren bangets deeh prestasinya.. semoga panjang umur, sehat selalu dan tambah pinter


    1. Ma kasi Shin…amin buat doanya. xx


  12. Selamat ulang tahun πŸ™‚
    Suka sama bagian “let you do what you think is right and watch”


    1. Terima kasih πŸ™‚
      Yeah that is the hard part tho! :p

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Ahhh mba Ri, aku sampe buremburem…

    Hepi ultah kembar ganteng, smoga tambah keren selalu 😘


    1. Ma kasih tante Dinny..mwah mwaaaahhh….
      Masih hormon menyusui kali ya Din jadi gampang burem2 hahahaaa…
      Kisses buat Eden dan Kiran!


  14. Happy birthday twins. Sehat dan makin ganteng πŸ™‚


    1. Ma kasih Frany πŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

  15. Happy birthday boys! πŸ™‚ Looks like a fun celebration!


    1. Ma kasi Ta. It was just a simple celebration, burger for dinner and couple friends for sleepover πŸ™‚


  16. Happy birthday to the twins! They’re gonna be handsome adults one day. 😍


    1. Thank you Stephanie πŸ™‚


  17. Happy belated birthday untuk kedua jagoannya ya mbak… sukses dalam perjalanan study dan kehidupannya ke depan…Tuhan memberkati!


    1. Awww you’re so sweet. Terima kasih untuk doanya. xx


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